Building the Outcome muscleI recently finished listening to Marty Cagan’s book Transformed on Audible. I was so excited about this book that I purchased it in several…Jul 9, 2024Jul 9, 2024
Digital Transformation: standing on the shoulder of giants like Thomas Edison to make your own.When I started at OLX — 6 years ago — one of the questions I was frequently asked was: when will we innovate? The company had grown…Jul 2, 2023Jul 2, 2023
Seniority: the role of flying hours and the personal upgrade in a technology team's evolutionStarting to fulfill my promise — made in my article on scaling engineering teams in a healthy way, I want to talk about a subject that is…Mar 29, 2021Mar 29, 2021
Generalist or Specialist — welcome to the PaintDrip ModelBefore starting to fulfill the promise made in my last article about how to scale engineering teams in a healthy way and explain in more…Mar 1, 2021Mar 1, 2021
Scaling engineering teams in a healthy waySince I became an advisor for startups I have been talking to people that either are building or need to build technology teams. One of…Feb 1, 2021Feb 1, 2021
Generalista ou Especialista — bem vindo ao modelo PaintDripO que vou tentar mostrar neste artigo é um método que acredito seja mais eficiente para você crescer enquanto profissional: gerando mais…Jan 18, 2021Jan 18, 2021
Escalando um time de engenharia de software de forma sustentávelMontar o primeiro time parece um pouco mais fácil. Separar a equipe em dois times — ou squads — ainda é tranquilo. Mas depois começa a…Dec 9, 2020Dec 9, 2020